Friday, 2 October 2015

Example news report

Voki: weather and me task

What have we learned about weather?

-What have you learned about the weather?
-What have you noticed about the weather over one day?

-What have you noticed about the weather over one week?

Answer Below

Image from Morgefile. com


Video on Temperature

Tell me what you would wear if the temperature is hot?
Tell me something you would wear if you were cold?
If it was raining tell me how you would not get wet?

List answers or pictures below

This Blog

This Blog is about our Science unit "Weather in my world"

The aim of this blog is to assist students to communicate in an online, safe environment with our class Prep G and our buddy class in London. This communication tool give students the opportunity to not only work with class members but in a global context with friends around the world.

This blog works to transform learning through use of ICT tools. It allows students to work and contribute to the task outside of just sessions provided. It is a collaborative environment that looks to engage students beyond simple non multi-modal tools and activities.

Included in this blog, is questions to stimulate learners, tasks that they are to work into, and pages to visit, as well as a place for students and our class to share our learning and creations.  This is to assist our buddy class to overcome the problem and provide them with knowledge about the weather in Australia for there trip down under. 

Images provided by